1.               Lost Child and Abduction PreventionDelaware State Police

2.             Visits to the DoctorDE Pediatrics

3.               Parks & RecreationNCC Parks & Rec

4.               Fire Safety Exit Plan

5.               Drowning Prevention

6.               Backing Safety

7.               Conscious Choking

8.               Hands Only CPR

9.               Controlling Bleeding

10.         Shock

11.         Allergies

12.         Broken Bones

13.         Run, Yell, Tell Delaware State Police

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Lost Child and Abduction Prevention - (back to TOP)

For parents and caregivers, following some basic steps can help to prevent child abduction:

1. Make sure children are properly supervised at all times

2. At an early age, each child should know his or her full name - children should also know the full names of their father, mother, or guardian.

3. Teach children their home phone number, address and trusted emergency contacts.

4. Make a photo identification card for the child to carry, and duplicates for parents and caregivers to keep - Keep the photo updated every 6 months.

5. Encourage children to communicate and to talk openly - Listen for clues about things that may be troubling them. Watch for changes in the child's behavior.

6. Monitor children's use of the internet - Have clear rules and guidelines established for computer use. Teach children to not share personal information online and to never agree to meet someone they don't already know in person. Learn the child's favorite web sites and spend time with them online

For more information about child abduction prevention, check out http://dsp.delaware.gov/ or http://www.missingkids.com

Visits to the Doctor - (back to TOP)

1.    Expect to be asked for your photo ID and your child's insurance card

2.   Expect to fill out detailed information on your child

3.   Expect to go into the exam room with your child

4.   If, for some reason you can't be present in the room, and sometimes for older adolescents, expect a nurse or other staff member to chaperone the physical exam

5.   Expect at a well visit and at some problem visits, depending on your child's symptoms, for the doctor to examine your child's body including a brief genital exam.

6.   Expect your doctor. to share what he is doing and why during the exam.

7.   Expect your doctor to explain any problems or issues he/she finds during the exam

8.   Expect your Dr. to talk to your child about age appropriate health and safety issues including about "okay touch/not okay touch."**

9.   Expect your doctor to provide time to discuss any questions or concerns that you or your child may have.

**For more information about talking with children about sexual issues including abuse please see this link from the National child Traumatic Stress Network: http://nctsn.org/nctsn_assets/pdfs/caring/sexualdevelopmentandbehavior.pdf

Tips Courtesy of: Dr. Jason Hann-Deschaine

Parks & Recreation Safety - (back to TOP)

During warm weather residents spend more time in our parks and enjoying the out doors please keep a few safety tips in mind and always be aware of your surroundings.

        1.      Always lock your vehicle and do not leave valuables in your car.

        2.      Always be aware of your surroundings.

        3.      Report suspicious activity to the police immediately

        4.      When the park is not too crowded, stay near other groups or take a friend along.

        5.      Always practice personal safety when traveling to or from your car, be aware of the surrounds and any strange individuals. Try and park close to a light if possible as it may be dark when you return to your car.

6.      Always have your keys in hand as you approach the car do not take time to expose your self if you need to focus on finding your keys and not who/what is around you. Try to walk to your car with someone else as there is safety in numbers. Walk with a purpose, keep your head up and stay focused.

7.      When walking in the woods and on the paths in our parks try to carry a whistle or horn and use it if you feel threatened attraction is a good defense. If you need to yell use words like FIRE or STRANGER these tend to get more attention.

8.      If you can not talk but can dial your cell phone use a coded message like “Why are you pointing a knife at me?” The police are rained in situation like that and will respond immediately by tracking your location.

These are a few tips to keep you safe this summer when visiting our Parks and Open space around the county

For more information about local Parks & Rec programs please visit New Castle County Parks

Safety tips courtesy of Councilman David Tackett


Fire Safety Exit Plan - (back to TOP)

Save lives by preparing and practicing a fire escape plan. Make sure to not just talk about the plan, but practice it. Basic elements of an escape plan should include:

1. Ensure smoke alarms are installed on every level of the home and are working properly. Test them monthly and change the batteries at least once a year.

2. Have two ways to get out. If the primary route is blocked, a window may need to be used. Make sure windows are not stuck shut. Have a collapsible ladder for upper story windows.

3. Teach everyone to crawl out and not stand up in smoke. Smoke can be full of toxic gases and can stop a person from getting out safely.

4. Have a place everyone knows to meet outside away from the home. For example, meet on the sidewalk or next to a specific tree.

For more information check out http://www.usfa.dhs.gov/citizens/all_citizens/home_fire_prev/escape.

Drowning Prevention - (back to TOP)

Make sure children always have supervision while swimming. As a swimmer gets tired or is in trouble, remember reach or throw, don't go.

If on the edge of a pool, one way to help is to use a pole. Stand perpendicular to the pool's edge, extend the pole to the swimmer's side, and pull them to the side of the pool.

If in the water, you can use your body to reach a struggling swimmer. Hold the edge, reach out your leg, ask the struggling summer to grab your foot, and pull the swimmer to the side.

Another way to help a swimmer is to throw something he or she can use for flotation. If you are not a trained lifeguard with equipment, do not swim out to help a struggling or drowning swimmer.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/pool-safety/play_video.

Backing Safety - (back to TOP)

Vehicles parked in driveways can be very dangerous to children playing outside. Many children are killed by vehicles that are backing up because it is possible to check all mirrors before backing up and still miss a child that is in, or is moving into, a vehicle's blind spot.

To prevent this, know where children are at all times when backing up and even tell children to move into the yard where you can see them before backing up.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/car-backing/play_video.

Conscious Choking - (back to TOP)

If a child is choking and conscious, signs include looking panicked, blue color around the lips, and the inability to talk, cough, or breathe. The child may do the universal choking sign with hands around their throat.

Ask if the child needs help. Get to the level of the child by kneeling or sitting, and raise their elbows. Place one hand with thumb tucked in against the abdomen, above the bellybutton, and grab your fist with the other hand. Perform inward and upward abdominal thrusts until the object is clear or the child become unconscious.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/conscious-child-choking/play_video.

Hands Only CPR - (back to TOP)

If a person collapses and is not moving and not breathing, call 911 and start compressions. Hands-only CPR helps encourage lay rescuers to get involved who may not otherwise help.

With this technique, rescuers deliver 1.5 to 2 inch deep compressions at a rate of approximately 100 compressions per minute without the need to deliver rescue breaths in between. Hands-only CPR eliminates the fear of transmitting disease by removing the mouth-to-mouth component of CPR.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/hands-only-cpr/play_video.

Controlling Bleeding - (back to TOP)

Capillary bleeding refers to superficial abrasion wounds and is easily controlled.

Venous bleeding is more severe than capillary bleeding, but is not under pressure like arterial bleeding. It is characterized by oozing or running of dark colored blood.

Arterial bleeding is characterized by brighter red blood that may pulsate or spurt.

To control severe bleeding, apply direct pressure with a dressing. If blood leaks through, apply more dressing on top. Never remove a dressing. If there are no bone fractures or spinal cord injuries, elevate the wound above the heart.

Once bleeding is under control, use roller gauze to secure the dressing, beginning at the distal end and working towards the heart. You can twist the gauze to apply more pressure.

Check to make sure blood is not leaking through, and that the bandage is not having a tourniquet effect. Elevate the wound, and call EMS or take the patient to the nearest hospital.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/bleeding-control-arterial-bleeding/play_video.

Shock - (back to TOP)

A conscious/responsive shock victim may exhibit symptoms of restlessness, fear, shivering, rapid breathing and pulse rate, sweating, nausea, vomiting, headache, and/or tiredness. They may become unresponsive and lose consciousness.

An unconscious shock victim's circulatory system is failing to deliver enough oxygen, and they may therefore have a blue coloring in their nail beds, tops of hands, around the lips, and/or face.

Treatment of shock begins with assessing responsiveness, calling 911, and checking airway, breathing, and circulation. Provide CPR is the patient is not breathing and not moving. Elevate the legs higher than the waist and keep the victim warm. Check for reasons that may have caused shock by performing a secondary survey.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/shock/play_video.

Allergies - (back to TOP)

Life threatening problems can occur in people who have extreme reactions from allergies. Some of the most common reactions can be swelling or difficulty breathing from bee stings, food allergies, etc.

It is most important to recognize an allergic reaction early on and act quickly. Call 911 for any difficulty breathing or swelling around the mouth, face, and neck.

Keep the person calm and maintain an open airway until EMS arrives. Using an Epi Pen for someone who is in need of immediate medical assistance can be extremely helpful until help can arrive. Rescuers can assist a victim to administer his or her own prescribed Epi pen.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/allergic-reactions/play_video.

Broken Bones - (back to TOP)

When treating musculoskeletal injuries, you should first ascertain what caused the injury and check for any other injuries.

When you begin treating, check for any deformity to determine the potential for the injury to become a compound fracture. If the area merely appears red and swollen, you may then begin you want to begin wrapping the injury at the distal end, moving toward the heart. In the case of arms, you may then continue to wrap around the body to give extra rest and support.

Once you are done splinting the injury, check the nail beds, skin color, and skin temperature to ensure circulation has not been cut off.

For more detailed information watch a video at http://www.profirstaid.com/en-US/training_video/musculoskeletal-injuries/play_video.

Run, Yell, Tell Safety Video - (back to TOP)

Click to watch this short, but very

important video from the Delaware State Police





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